Blessings of Lughnasadh, Olde Lammas, & The Lion’s Gate Portal
15° Leo – August 8th, 2021
Lughnasadh is the last of the Greater Sabbats of the year, marking the beginning of the end of Summer and the beginning of Autumn for Witches and Pagans who dance round the Celtic wheel of the year. Many celebrate this festival on August 2nd, yet the 8th this year is the exact moment of the portal, or as some refer to it, the Lion’s Gate, a powerful day to do ritual and spells. The exact point is 15° Leo.
🖤🔥🖤 Altar & Ritual 🖤🔥🖤
I’ve gone out to the canyon to gather elements of this time of year for my altar (asking and leaving offerings as I do)…
Lugh is a Solar God and I do think it vital for us all to be working with the masculine within ourselves.
Connect with the Old Wild Gods who are so much other than what we imagine the masculine to be. Let us lay that old tired toxic patriarchy to rest, deep in the earth where it can be remade into something very rich and strange, WILD, powerful, strong hearted, wise, and oh so kind. May we open our eyes to see and welcome this one home.
Hallowed be loves!