The ways of the Underworld are perfect. They may not be questioned. The Sumerian myth of the Goddess Inanna, Queen of the Upperworld, and...
How Does the Darkness Serve – Winter Solstice
Winter Solstice. The dark time of the year. The nadir of the Sun. Belly of the Dark Goddess. We are deepening into the Heart of the...
Embodying Medusa Workshop, November 13th – 15th
I am thrilllled to be offering this Embodying Medusa workshop with Amy Palko in Portland, November 13th-15th. Tis the season to invite in alllll...
The Autumn Self ~ The Descent into the Darkness
The Autumn Self ~ The Descent into the Darkness ***Join me for an Autumn Equinox Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Ritual*** September 27th, 2015 at...
Leo & the Fires of Creation
Moon shifting into Scorpio in its waxing 1st Quarter Moon Phase Sun 0° Leo Mercury 0° Leo Venus 0° Virgo Ahhhhhh the sacred WILD...
The Reddening of the Fires & Heart of Leo
Wow. What a tumultuous last few days. Are you feeling it? the shifting forces of Nature? I am. The ground under my feet is shifting... changing......
Dark Moon in Gemini
Blessings of the Dark Moon in Gemini! Moon & Sun 25° Gemini Mars 24° Gemini Mercury 5° Gemini I was awakened by the WILD blustering winds...
Summer Solstice and the Mysteries of Cancer ~ The Art of Self Creation
Black Pearl Woman - the Art of Self Creation The tender flesh of the oyster fashioning the pearl. ~ Amy Palko Sun in Gemini 21° Mars in Gemini 22°...
THIS is the Portal of Spring!
Tis time, my loves! Tis time! Spring Equinox is nearing and the growing WILD forces of Nature are swirrrrrrrling in our midst, BURSTING into Life!...
An Invitation to the Rites of Spring
An Invitation to the Rites of Spring ~*~Initiation By FIRE ~*~ “The terrible Beauty of Nature renewing itself, breaking through the earth!” ~...