SHE of the Sacred Wild Ways

I invite you to enter into the Mysteries with me…

SHE of the Sacred Wild Ways


I am the chrysalis
in which you will face that which terrifies you
and from which you will blossom forth, vibrant and renewed.
Seek me at the crossroads, and you shall be transformed…



To you who have eyes to see and ears to hear the call of the Sacred Wild Ways… the call of your Dark Sister… the call of the force of your exquisite sacred wild Nature.


To you who have eyes to seeeeee and ears to hear and hearts that run deeeeep in the Jeweled Darkness…


I invite you into a Womb space fashioned for you, for the Wild Ones who roam… ever seeking a birthplace for their eternal becoming.


A place where you can fully release… screech and moan, howl and groan, laugh and play... expressing allllll of your sacred WILD self without mitigation by a civilization who fear the dark. Who fear the raw. Who fear the places where the wild criaturas crawl.

A place to dip into the wellspring of the Sacred Wild Feminine…

To source the sacred stories and shift ways of perceiving ourselves and life from the mundane into the profound deeper realities that grow us more fully into our empowered sacred selves.


A safe place to encounter and express our wild dark natures through art forms which unleash our powerful healing energies and reflect back to us the deeper intelligence operating underneath… the astrological archetypes.


I invite you to become a member of a secret society of Women who engage with other women in the sacred rites of the wild ways.

The sacred rites of the deeper feminine through the rhythms of our bodies intersecting with the rhythms of Nature… the cycling Moon and Sun, and the other live astrological forces which influence and shape our lives.


The sacred rites for Women who know that for the alchemy of the deeper feminine to occur, we must be willing to descend into the raw material of our darkness… our pain and rages, despair and frustrations, unhappiness and fears, illness and losses… and be initiated by it so as to embody its deep transformational wisdom.


Through entering in while being held and witnessed, loved and related to in the darkness by other initiates in the community, we are enlightened and transformed.  The greater force of our true essence is unleashed and embodied to live more wholly in the world. This is the role of the ever-cycling deeper feminine in our lives.

We have a primordial force of Nature within our bodies called Woman.

Clarissa Pinkola Estes imaged her as Women Who Run With the Wolves. I love the Latino term she also uses, Criatura. I feel Her presence stir deeeeeep within me every time I say… my Wild Criatura!


This place in us has been so horribly abused over thousands of years, so exiled, that many experience her injury, not her wholeness. She needs to be unleashed in a safe environment to allow her to find her way with Herself and trusted others before going out into the world to claim Her way there.

This is about living Nature… YOURS… with the Wilds outside of you!

The energies of the cycling Moon and the ever-changing Sun and the seasons of the Earth are nature’s forces here to support, strengthen and empower us. By aligning and engaging ourselves with these forces we experience deepening strength and enlightenment out of the chaos that Life often brings us.


When we are out of alignment with these forces of nature, we can feel depressed or ill and buffeted about. The reason the Ancients aligned themselves with the seasonal and moon changes through ritual and ceremony is so that their bodypsyches were fortified to withstand the challenges they had to face as well as to flourish in them.

I invite you into this place where sacred and wild are joined as One indwelling force within through the rhythms and cycles of our bodies, mirrored and supported by the rhythms of nature through the ever-moving cycles of the moon and sun.


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Invitation to a select private group of women…


The Community:


A membership community to support Women in attuning themselves to and engaging with the Sacred Wild Ways… the rites of the deeper feminine, the rhythms of nature within their bodypsyches, and the forces of archetypal Nature in the cycling rhythms of the Moon and Sun cycles… so as to be supported, enlightened and empowered by them.



Elements of the community:

  • Daily posts and prompts on…
    ~ The Moon Mysteries – The Moon’s cycles from New Moon to Full Moon to Dark Moon and the archetypal forces being released, their relevance to our bodypsyches and lives and how to embody these forces for support.
    ~Sun signs & Seasonal Psyche – The Archetypal forces of the changing Sun sign around the astrological year, their relevance to our bodypsyches and lives and how to embody these forces for support.


  • Altar Creation – guidance for creating a monthly Altar to the Moon/Sun archetypal forces so as to engage with and embody these forces of nature.
  • Embodying the Astrological Archetypes through the Embodied Arts – guidance in how to embody Nature’s forces through modalities of art expression, movement, writing and ritual so as to be supported, transformed and enlightened by them.
  • New Moon/Full Moon Ritual Webinar and/or recordings – Embodying the archetypal force of the New Moon and Full Moon through either a live ritual webinar or recorded ritual. The ritual will take you through embodying the astrological archetype through the embodied arts: altar creation, movement, art expression, writing, and witnessing.
  • Individual Sacred Wild Astrology private readings – 20+ minute personal astrology readings
  • Understanding Astrology and your Personal Chart –Training in how to read and follow your own Astrology Chart
  • The Art of Witnessing –Witnessing of your process, writing, artwork, altars. Guidance in learning the skill of witnessing.
  • Private Embodiment Sessions – 1:1 private embodied arts sessions with me.  For more info go here:  Unleash & Embody
  • Facebook Secret Membership Site for our regular posts on the moon/sun cycles and our Embodied Art.


There are three tiers to the membership:

1st tier – Wild Criaturas

  • Daily posts and prompts on the…
    ~ Phases and archetypes of the Moon and their relevance in our lives and world and how to embody them
    ~ Seasonal movement and astrological archetypes of the Sun and their relevance in our lives and world and how to embody them
  • Altar work with the astrology archetypes
  • New or full moon recorded ritual
  • Training in how to read and follow your own Astrology Chart
  • Teachings in the Art of Witnessing and the Embodied Arts
  • Facebook secret group
    Subscribe at $33




2nd tier – Morgan Sea Gypsies – $80/month

  • Includes 1st tier offerings (above) and the following:
  • A personal Sacred Wild Astrology reading – 20+ minute recording on screencast given at the new or full moon with suggestions for personal embodiment rituals
  • Live Astrology Embodiment Ritual webinar – Monthly New or Full Moon Embodied Arts Ritual
  • Witnessing – for the art, movement & writing work coming out of the Astrology Embodiment Ritual

    Subscribe at $80


3rd tier: Shamana of the Way – $147 monthly (or more donation)

  • Includes 1st & 2nd tier offerings (above) and the following:
  • 1:1 private embodiment session and personal support in areas of leadership, relationship, business challenges, family issues.  For more information  on the session go here:  Unleash & Embody
  • Personal Shamana as a key support in your life.

Subscribe at $147

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More information…


The daily post will help you understand and connect deeply with whichever archetype is being illuminated by the Moon and Sun cycles and archetypes.  This may include a prompt, a music video, a movie clip, an image, an anecdote, a quote etc.


One of the main threads that will run throughout the fabric of this community is the teaching of astrological archetypes to its members in a way that you can fully engage with and, ultimately, integrate and embody.  You will learn how to read your own astrology chart, both natal and where the transits currently are moving and intersecting your own chart.


This is unlike any other way of learning astrology as you will connect with the reality that these are forces of nature which require us to engage with to garner their support and enlightenment.  The daily prompt will allow this to happen in a gentle organic and accumulative way.


The daily focus on the energies of the new and full moon and changing sun sign will also find representation through the other features of the community, ie. the individual private reading and the group webinar ritual.


There will be a regular invitation – a call for community members to connect with the energy of the sun/moon/astrological events and embody it through art, movement, free-writing etc.


The other vital aspect of the community will be the cultivation of the practice of Witnessing.


There is a place in MY bodysoul howling to come together with youuuuuuu, my dearest loves! to dance with you and support the process of deep mirroring and unleashing of our ever-unfolding sacred wild creative natures.


Let us make it so! And in serving and being supported and thusly transformed, the collective unconscious of the World is also liberated and transformed. Carl Jung, Marion Woodman, Robert Bly and Edward Edinger, see the work with the psyche to be the most powerfully transformative activism one can engage in.


The deeper feminine is returning to Her rightful place in the family of things.  Yes!!


In passionate love with each of you and this sacred work… I invite you to join me in creating the foundation of this new/ancient sacred reality in the world.

IF you have any questions, please post them below.




p.s.  The first level of the membership priced at $27 is a suggested donation.  You are welcome to pay what you can.


1st tier – Wild Criaturas

  • Subscribe at $33 or set your donation.  You are welcome to pay what you are able.


2nd tier – Morgan Sea Gypsies = $80/month


3rd tier: Shamana of the Way – $147/month


Your payment will now be a recurring monthly payment and go through paypal You can cancel or change the tier level you have committed to at any time by going into your paypal account. If you have any questions or concerns about how to do this or work this, please contact me.You may purchase a reading or embodiment sessions separate.  The price will be more than a subscription, but far less than my regular prices which are almost double.

Once you subscribe and pay through paypal, you will be taken to a questionnaire which you will submit.  Once it comes to me I will personally contact you with information for the group and with the link to the community in facebook.  We will enter in over these next days.