Embody Your Mythic Astrology

Amy & I Witches Two

the energies are stirring, my loves. Can you feel it? Something new is readying to be born…. something rooted deep in the ancient, in the mystic, in the mythic. As the mists begin to clear, we see the shape, the form, the magic of this offering that combines the wild wise ways of both Amy Palko & Kathleen Prophet.


It’s called Embody Your Mythic Astrology.


We invite you to enter into the Mysteries with us…


A place where you can fully release… screech and moan, howl and groan, laugh and play… expressing allllll of your sacred WILD self without mitigation by a civilization who fear the dark. Who fear the raw. Who fear the places where the wild criaturas crawl.


A place to dip into the wellspring of the sacred WILD Feminine & Masculine…
To source the sacred Myths and shift ways of perceiving ourselves and life from the mundane into the profound deeper realities that grow us more fully into our empowered sacred selves.


A safe place to encounter and express our sacred Daemons, our wild hidden natures, through Embodied Art forms which unleash the powerful healing energies innate within and without ourselves, reflecting back to us the deeper intelligence operating underneath: the Astrological Mythic forces of Nature.


Ah, yes, the energies are stirring… can you feel it? Are you ready?


We invite you to join us!


Embody Your Mythic Astrology