Astro Witch ~ Art Sorceress ~ Ritualist
Astro Mysterium
Astro Witch
Teacher and writer of Mythic Astrology. Ritual Leader of the Dark Moon Mysteries and Seasonal portals. Mentor of the Embodied Arts.
I guide women into the heart of their shadows and WILD inner terrain to encounter the metamorphic power of the Self dancing with and initiated by the holy WILD forces of Nature.
Art Sorceress
I am an Art Sorceress… fashioning art from the material of my life, my shadows, my suffering. Through this alchemy I am transformed, fortified and empowered.
I teach Women these holy WILD Arts in the Cauldron of Ritual under the light of the Dark moon. Our tools: Altar~Alter Creation, Oracular Movement, Alchemical Painting, Writing, Ritual Art.
Astro Mysterium
Astro Mysterium & the Powers of the 12 Dark Moons.
Moving through the Dark Moon & Solstice Rituals offered up over the year, you receive much more than a course in Astrology… you receive the support and ground for your life: your journey of individuation, the alchemical work with your shadows, and the liberation from your conditioning. Join us in the embodiment of the Holy WILD!
Astro Mysterium!
Astrology Mystery School
A secret sacred circle of humans dancing with the cycling forces of Luna & Sol, Planetary & Asteroid archetypes, so as to embody their powers & mysteries in our lives.
Blessings of Lughnasadh, Olde Lammas, & The Lion’s Gate Portal
Blessings of Lughnasadh, Olde Lammas, & The Lion's Gate Portal 15° Leo - August 8th, 2021 Lughnasadh is the last of the Greater Sabbats of the year, marking the beginning of the end of Summer and the beginning of Autumn for Witches and Pagans who dance...
This is my month to celebrate and honor the archetype of, Leo, and the image I relate to the expression of this instinct as: the Art Sorceress. I took this name from a quote by one of my beloved madmen philosophers, Nietzsche, who so brilliantly woke to the genius...