Descent to the Dark Goddess – Return to Wholeness:
Initiations of the Sacred Wild Feminine through the Rites of Inanna
Samhain Embodied Arts Mystery Rites Workshop
Edinburgh, Scotland
Nov. 1-3rd, New Moon in Scorpio weekend
£150 / $240
Friday night, all day Saturday, Sunday morn and afternoon.
Limited space. Venue to be announced. Contact me to register or
Contact Annu Tara in Edinburgh at 0787 469 5272 email
Join me in honoring the Darkening Season and be fortified by the sacred wild forces of nature. Enter into the rites of the Conscious Descent through the myth of Inanna and Ereshkigal so as to be initiated, transformed, and empowered.
In this SHE of the Sacred Wild Ways Workshop we will be using the myth of Inanna and Ereshkigal as our framework to enter into Mystery Rites for women. This myth instructs us in the deeper nature of the power and movement of our psyches, our female instincts and energy patterns. It is a return to the goddess as a mirror and renewal in the feminine ground as our source.
The myth of Inanna and Ereshkigal holds a cosmic pattern, one that is astronomical, seasonal, astrological, transformational, and psychological.
Through enacting and embodying the stages of this sacred myth while being supported by the season, the moon cycle, and sun sign, we encounter unity with nature and the cosmos leading us into deep modes of consciousness which are embodied, ecstatic and transformative.
We will incarnate stages of the myth using the Embodied Arts: ritual, authentic movement, nature play, and expressive painting.
Descending into our depths supports the natural movement of our cycling psyches. Like fall and winter is to spring and summer, releasing, dying, and death is vital for the rebirth of our bodypsyches.
Ereshkigal is our dark sister. She calls to us through our depressions and our pain and suffering. She calls to us through our personal wounds.
She calls to us so that we can reclaim what we and our culture have placed in exile. Through embodied acts of empathy and love, we begin to embrace our shadows, learn from their wisdom, and be gifted into greater wholeness in our lives.
The myth of Inanna and Ereshkigal represents the essential nature of the deeper feminine that is now being resurrected on our planet.
Without it, no true healing can take place. May She rise from the Underworld in each one of us through our ardent hearts and take Her true place in all of our psyches and on our beloved planet Earth.
This is OUR time. Our revolution to put the whole feminine back on her throne.
Join me in Edinburgh, Scotland, November 1st thru 3rd, to honor the Darkening Season and be fortified by these sacred wild forces of nature.
Limited space. Venue to be announced. Contact me to register or
Contact Annu Tara in Edinburgh at 0787 469 5272 email